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Thursday, 4 October 2007

The Silent Killer Will It Affect You?

The silent killer, which we have become to acknowledge as arteriosclerosis, is causing incredible problems for millions of people around the world. It has become a modern epidemic of mammoth proportions and is believed to be the cause of half of deaths in the US last year. In the previous article we discussed the different theories regarding arteriosclerosis and the number one causal factor (NB, if you missed the last article you can read it here, This article will discuss who is at risk.

Is Everybody At Risk?

What has happened to our way of life to make men between 30 and 45 the preferred victims of the “silent killer” that strikes without warning? And why are more and more young women, long believed to be virtually immune to this disease until after meno­pause, now falling prey to it?

We do not know the entire answer to this enigma, or even whether there is a single answer. But research that has been carried out throughout the world, has provided some valuable clues.

90% of Adults Are At Risk!

Only recently, we discovered to our amazement that over 90 per cent of our adult population has, to a greater or less degree, a degenerative disease of the arteries that doctors call athero­sclerosis. That, as you know, is the term meaning the thicken­ing and narrowing of certain vital blood vessels. It is the way in which the stage is set for heart attacks and strokes.

Medical people once thought that it was a result of aging, but the disease is now being found in infants and children. As children, however, we have the power of absorbing the fatty deposits that attach themselves to the artery walls. As we grow older, we seem to lose this power of absorption. That is when the real trouble begins. At what age does this happen? Much earlier than we might expect…

Young and Old Are Both At Risk…

For example, my associates made a study of the arteries of 600 patients who had died of various diseases. About 100 of them had met sudden death from accidents or acute illness. To our amazement we found that atherosclerosis, a disease of the arteries, was present in many of the young people before they had reached their thirtieth year.

By the time they were 40 to 50 years of age, the fatty deposits and embedded crystals of cholesterol were inside the artery walls. Such thickening and narrowing of the blood vessels inter­fered with the nourishment and vitality of the tissues in the heart, brain, or kidney.

Scary Evidence From Korea…

Striking evidence of how widespread the disease is among our younger people today came also from Korea. There Army doctors autopsied 300 American soldiers who had died while serving in Korea. It was the first time such a study had been made of a cross section of the country’s youth; their average age was only 22. A report of the mass autopsies contained star­tling information that 77 per cent of the young U.S. servicemen already had atherosclerosis! Balanced against this shocking total was a mere 11 per cent incidence of the same disease among Koreans and Orientals who had died on the same battlefield under the same conditions. So the question is, “Why is this so?”

Resource Box:

This is an excerpt from the hit new manual that everybody in the health and wellness industry is raving about. To learn more on how to stop this silent killer in its tracks and to get a free sample chapter visit:

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